
Black and white


Colors become grey if one converts a color picture in to a b+w one. So, when I like to take a b+w picture I look for dark or bright elements. The dark part in the above picture is the hut and the bushes and trees behind it. The place looks abandoned even though this is probably not the case. It’s winter time and most people hide in their homes. There is nothing to do in the fields.

An interesting b+w picture is more than a conversion of a color picture.

This picture was taken while I was sitting in the train to Berlin. From time to time I looked out of the window. One must be fast to capture a scenery when in a fast train. I love the blurriness as it’s a hint of the speed. The train had speed, but even faster runs the time.

The green of the grass in the foreground was very green. It was distracting. More interesting is the hut close to the woods. It shows human traces. One can sense the work that has to be done there.