I started a blog in 2006. It’ estimated. In the meantime many social media pages were created. First I joined reluctantly. Quickly I realized that it’s indeed an opportunity to stay in touch with people around globe. Many platforms also have the opportunity to get to know like-minded people.
Every page has another character. I use different social media platforms differently. On Pinterest I collect photos mainly from other artists. On Facebook I connect with friends, I also love the group feature. On twitter I’m rather a reader and a passive member. On flickr I shared my own photo projects. I also have two websites. On every page one needs a profile picture. As a creative person I have many ideas how to present myself. Shall one really be creative when it comes to profile pictures?
When I look at all these different versions of myself, I have the feeling that it’s not the same person that I see. This might be confusing for people who check out my different page. But me, too, I have the feeling with all these different self-portraits, there is no connection anymore between the different pages.
It’s me who hold all these pages together. I’m the smallest common denominator.
Finally I got to the conclusion that it would be best to upload the same picture on all these pages that I joined. It might be boring. Yet it has the advantage that my profile picture has recognition value. It’s not so confusing.
From now on I’m no more a cat on my Instagram account. I’m no more meditating on my yoga blog website. My new profile picture didn’t went through a Photoshop treatment. It’s a simple version of myself.
My two websites are the roof above all these social media pages. My profile picture is the link between all these pages.