Ursula Preiss

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Photo marathon Munich 2018

Yesterday I went to the photo marathon 2018 in Munich. It deserves the word marathon. At the end I realized that I took 21.000 steps. I had put on my most comfortable shoes, yet in the evening my feet hurt slightly. Within a time frame of 8 hours we should take 12 pictures. We got first the main topic with 6 sub-topics. At 3 pm we got the last 6 sub-topics. 

The photo marathon was created from some New Yorkers. In the meantime photo marathons exists in many countries and cities of this globe.

The main topic in Munich in 2018 was: Opposites attract. 

The sub themes were:

1. Calmness and movement

2. Dry and wet

3. Truth and illusion

4. Brightness and darkness

5. Fun and boredem

6. Hard and soft

7. Hot and mild

8. Good and evil

9. Captured and free

10. Hot and cold

11. Scared and courageous

12. Misfortune and luck


This was a challenge. To show these opposites in one picture was not always easy. 

When I picked up the last topics I realized that some of my pictures were taken in raw. This would have disqualified myself. I had to find a possibility to convert them.  I found out that the camera allows me to convert raw pictures into JPEG. I was relieved.  Such events soar the learning curve. The first 10 winners get really hot prizes. First prize is a very good camera. I'd like to win one of the lenses. The prizes motivated me and gave me energy during these 8 hours.

On time I could deliver my 12 pictures, all in JPEG, all in landscape format and color. I used one lens, even though I had others in my handbag. One of the unspoken goals of this exercise is to create a coherent series. 

Yesterday it rained. The light was perfect with all the grey clouds. The difficulty was that I had to carry in addition to my tripod, my heavy bag, my camera also my umbrella. It was doable.

At the end we got a certificate. The participants got attested stamina and creativity. 

Happy and exhausted I went home. 

PS: The pictures will be published later.