Looking for locations
The best location here is around the lake. Nature is wild there because nobody cares anymore. Trees and bushes, plants and flowers grow towards the sun or towards any direction they like. The sun dyes nature reddish, yellowish and blueish, it depends on the time of the day. Today it was freezing cold. The lake was frozen already. I had forgotten to pack a cap. A scarf had to do the job of the cap. It had to warm especially my ears. Buh, the wind blew cold and strong. It reached even the bones and I swore by myself to put on warmer clothes tomorrow. By now I like the cold temperature. It wakes me up. I feel heroic, because I left the warm and cosy sofa to get out into the rough nature. The naked hands are protected from the cold in the pockets of the coat. I walk fast to warm up the body, yet the wind and the temperature work against it. One hour only the walk is over. What a joy to sit in a warm living room again.
No way to force myself into a yoga pose at that gorgeous location. It’s too cold for acrobatic activities. Every cell of my body refuses to perform even the easiest asana. At least this was the feeling today. Perhaps I’ll be more adventurous and less cautious tomorrow. I’m prepared now and know what to expect.